
"MAHABHARAT"...One of the greatest epics of ancient India. The personalities in the epic are treated as gods and godesses by hindus. Do they really deserve that status???

Note: All the writings would purely be personal thoughts and opinions of the participants and mine. The blog is not intended to hurt anyone's religious feelings and sentiments. So, I kindly request the readers not to take any of the writings personally. Happy reading.

Monday, June 28, 2010

The first thought... Injustice justified

the first thought which came to my mind when i was talking to my friend...

Draupadi... she had 5 husbands according to Mahabharat... she was called Paanchali (Paanch: five and Ali: wife)... she is treated as goddess... But now if the same thing happens in the "Normal" society (by saying Normal, I din't include rich profile modern draupadis who are paanchalis ya dusalis), the same people treat her as a prostitute... why this injustice???

Thoughts come JLT... Capture them at that moment. If you fail to do so, you can never be creative...

Hi everyone!!!

A warm welcome. The thought of comparing Ancient India's greatest epic with the modern Indian society came to my mind while i was talking to one of my friends. I took one character from Mahabharat and compared to now-a-days character and gave a statement which was appreciated by my friend. I thought about the statement and felt it interesting. It is then, I thought of writing this blog.

As I have a little amount of knowledge regarding Mahabharat, I thought it would be better to read and understand the epic in a better way, so that the conclusions and analysis will be more logical.

I request everyone to share your thoughts, by posting in this blog. Comment, criticize, support... do whatever you want... but lets not hurt anyone's sentiments. Be creative, funny... at the same time talk some sense.
